Built-in POR, PDR, LVD, watchdog timer.
– Factory trimmed 8 MHz RC
oscillator and 40 kHz for RTC and watchdog.
– On-chip 12-bit dual channel
DAC with DMA support and output buffers.
■ Perfect fit for control applications:
Up to seven PWM 16-bit timers including advanced
control timer for a total of 26 channels.
■ Ideal for appliance control
applications including induction cooking:
Three independent PWM
16-bit timers with complementary output and dead-time generation
(Motor Control).
Reduced design complexity and
minimized CPU, peripheral and memory use:
electronics control (CEC) peripheral.
Extensive connectivity capability:
CEC, 400 kHz I2C, up to12
Mbit/s master and slave SPI, up to 3 Mbit/s USART.
Achieves superior performance with
16-bit code density:
Cortex-M3 Thumb-2 32-bit
instruction set and 7-channel DMA.
Eases Flash memory integrity check: CRC (cyclic redundancy check) with
DMA support.