TALK - 802.15.4

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Link: eva-boards and software
Preliminary configuration
Test TALK example on MCB851
Test TALK example on STEVAL-IDZ301V1
How to configure the dongle STEVAL-IDZ401V1 for monitor your network






is here.

The Software and the Driver for USB/RS232 are here.

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Aim of this example is to explain how to use the STM example concerning the:
STM Simple MAC (v.1.1.0) TALK (point to point
connection) using two different eva-boards that are:

(see here)
MB851 from DiZic (see here)

The SW (STM Simple MAC) that we used is here (see below):

Download and install the: STM32W108 SimpleMAC firmware.
After the installation you find the Examples, Documentation, etc in:
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0
The documentation is here:
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0\STM32W108\docs

We assume that you have already installed on your PC the IAR v.6.30.6 32KFree.

The STM firmware is guaranteed for using in conjunction of:
  • IAR v.5.41
  • ATOLLIC TrueStudio Lite 2.1.0
  • ATOLLIC TrueStudio Professional 2.1.1
I tested the SimpleMAC TALK under IAR v.6.30.6 and it works but is not guaranteed from STM.

I suggest also to download and install WireShark and STM SW application to interface WireShark packet (see blue box upstairs).
This SW are necessary for sniffer your network.

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1) Download and install the: STM32W108 SimpleMAC firmware; see here.

2) We assume that you have already installed on your PC the IAR v.6.30.6 32KFree. See the note here.

3) Copy all the contents of:

C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0
Into your working directory, we suppose tha is:

4) Because up to now the SW example (ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0) do not support the STEVAL-IDZ301V1 is necessary do some changes in two files that are:
.../STM32W/ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0/STM32W108/hal/micro/cortexm3/board.c
.../STM32W/STM32W/ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0/STM32W108/hal/micro/cortexm3/stm32w108/board.h
Click here for download the board.c and sostituite with it the original file.
Click here for download the board.h and sostituite with it the original file.
Afther this change you are ready to use STEVAL-IDZ301V1 from STM (see here) and MB851 from DiZic (see here).

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Test TALK example on

1) For do this test are necessary two MB851 boards.
This example configure two MB851 boards for: point to point connection.

2) Connect the MB851 to your PC and make sure that the jumper (P2) is on USB-JTAG, see below.

The first time you connect the MCB851 to PC probably (depend of the board revision code) it request the driver (FTDI, USB/RS232) that you get

3) Now we are ready to open the TALK example that is here:
.../STM32W/STM32W/ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0/STM32W108/simplemac/demos/talk
For open the project on IAR, clik twice on the:
.../STM32W/STM32W/ST SimpleMAC-1.1.0/STM32W108/simplemac/demos/talk/EWARMv5/talk.eww
When the IAR is open it recognize automaticaly your eva-board.

4) Before compile the example is necessary to configure the IAR IDE, for do this follow the step below.

Now compile the project: Project -> Make.

5) Now connect the ST-LINK-v2 to MB851, make sure that the jumper P2 is on USB/JTAG (see below) and press Download and Debug.
Do this on two MB851 board.

6) Now you are ready for test the SW.
6.1) Move the jumper P2 to BAT and insert the battery.
6.2) Press on both MB851 the reset button.
6.3) Now if you press the button S1 on a board on the other board you see the LED D1 go On.
If you press again S1 the LED D1 go Off and so on.


The TALK example is bi-directional this means that communication does this:
SENDER: Send command
SENDER: Waiting for a feedback from the RECEIVER
If the RECEIVER does not send to the SENDER the ACK the leds (Green and ORANGE) are flashing for some seconds.
Both boards are Sender and Receiver.  

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Test TALK example on STEVAL-IDZ301V1

Coming soon.

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to configure the dongle STEVAL-IDZ401V1 for monitor your network

Coming soon.

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How to configure the dongle STEVAL-IDZ401V1 for monitor your network.

For more info contact your local Silica distributor.

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