PP == Step by Step - It is NO (Normally Open) and by pressing on it you can Open, Close and Stop the Automatic Gate
== Automatic Reclosure - If this jumper is OFF (not present - 1) after
the open, the automatic gate wait 10sec and next it close.
FOTO == Photocell - Before open or close the automatism check the photocell. If photocell is OK (NC) the movement start.
During the closure if the
Photocell is NotOK (something go through in the beam of the photocell)
the automatic gate closure is stopped.
EMERGENCY == Normally is a Push Button (NO) - If it is pressed the movement of automatic gate is stopped.
FCA == limit switch open - If it is pressed (closed - 0) means that the automatic gate is opened.
FCC == limit switch close - If it is pressed (closed - 0) means that the automatic gate is closed.
AT == ANTI_TAMPER present (NC - Normally Closed) == OK, at the moment is not implemented.
ANTI_TAMPER not present == The gate is blocked
For restart the gate is necessary:
1) Reinstall the ANTI_TAMPER
2) Turn off and turn on the power supply of the gate.
== If it is night and the gate is in movement this relay is ON for a
time that depend of the value of the potentiometer connected to the
analog input called TempCurLight. At the moment is not implemented.
M1Com, M1Open, M1Close == are the commands for the motor.
Flashing == is the flashing light (220Vac) that signal that the automatic gate is working.
Analog Input
Light Sensor == It is a photoresistor that measure the intensity of the sun. At the moment is not implemented.
SensCrep == the value on this pin it is used for decide, in accordance with the Light Sensor, if it is day or night. At the moment is not implemented.
TbC == Time to wait before close. At the moment is not implemented.
At the moment, if the jumper on RA is not present and the automatic gate is open the automatic gate start to close after 10sec.
TempCurLigth == Time to stay ON the relay ReleLight. At the moment is not implemented.
Electrical connections that need to be done are are shown below.
Click on the image below for enlarge it.
Operating Mode
Power On
At the first start, the automatic gate must be either closed or open.
If no FCC or FCA are pressed, the first pressure of PP start the automatic gate to open.
Automatic gate is in STOP (close or open) - Press PP
PP, automatically turns on the flashing light, at this point is necessary release the PP and the automatic gate start to move.
The direction depend if the automatic gate is close or open.
The automatic gate is performing the maneuver to CLOSE and you press PP
PP stop the automatic gate.
If you press again the PP, the automatic gate start the maneuver to open.
The automatic gate is performing the maneuver to OPEN and you press PP
PP stop the automatic gate.
If you press again the PP, the automatic gate start the maneuver to close.
Photocell - FOTO
Before open or close the automatism check the photocell. If photocell is OK (NC) the movement start.
If you press PP and input photocell is not OK, the automatic gate is not moving and the flashing, blinking at twice the frequency, indicating the fault.
Emergency is a Push Button (NO) - If it is pressed the movement of automatic gate is stopped.