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SP1MLxx Module Sub-GHz (868 or 915 MHz) - (Antenna + SPIRIT1 + STM32L1 + AT commands)
SPSGRF Module - Sub-GHz (868 or 915 MHz) - (Antenna + SPIRIT1)
Eva Boards for SPSGRF Module
Extra DOC & SW
Key Features
SW Library
Guidelines for Battery operated applications with SPIRIT1
State Machine

Tutorials and SW examples


STM official site: http://www.st.com/web/catalog/sense_power/FM1968/CL1976/SC1845

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  • Components --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • SP1MLxx module (868 or 915 MHz) - Antenna + SPIRIT1 + STM32L1 + AT commands, see here
    • SPSGRF module (868 or 915 MHz) - Antenna + SPIRIT1 see here

    • Extra DOC & SW
      • Presentation - RF SubGHz Modules and SP1ML and SPSGRF - only for SILICA customers.
        If you are SILICA customer send me an email and ask me:
        Presentation - RF SubGHz Modules and SP1ML and SPSGRF
        please specify also your City, Country and your contact in SILICA.
        If you are STM customer please contact directly your local office of STM.
      • SP1MLxx Module FW Update - only for SILICA customers.
        If you are SILICA customer send me an email and ask me:
        SP1MLxx Module FW Update
        please specify also your City, Country and your contact in SILICA.
        If you are STM customer please contact directly your local office of STM.
      • Eva Boards for SPSGRF Module (Antenna + SPIRIT1):
        • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A4 based on SPSGRF-868 (868 MHz ETSI certified module) - See below
        • X-NUCLEO-IDS01A5 based on SPSGRF-915 ( 915 MHz FCC certified module ) - See below
        • Extra doc, example, are here.

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- Components & Module

The SPIRIT1x is a very low-power RF transceiver, intended for RF wireless applications in the sub-1 GHz band. It is designed to operate both in the license-free ISM and SRD frequency bands at 169, 315, 433, 868, and 915 MHz, but can also be programmed to operate at other additional frequencies in the 300-348 MHz, 387-470 MHz, and 779-956 MHz bands.
The air data rate is programmable from 1 to 500 kbps, and the SPIRIT1x can be used in systems with channel spacing of 12.5/25 kHz, complying with the EN 300 220 standard.
It uses a very small number of discrete external components and integrates a configurable baseband modem, which supports data management, modulation, and demodulation.
The data management handles the data in the proprietary fully programmable packet format also allows the M-Bus standard compliance format (all performance classes).

It is available Components and Module



Suitable for Systems targeting compliance with :
• Europe ETSI EN 300 220
• US FCC CFR47 Part 15
• Japan ARIB STD T-67
• Europe Systems targeting compliance with the Wireless MBUS standard EN 13757-4:2005, EN13757-4:2011

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Evaluation Boards

Example of a FULL KIT

Part Number Description
STEVAL-IKR001V2 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - FULL KIT
STEVAL-IKR001V8D SPIRIT1- low data rate transceiver - 868 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD - range extender
STEVAL-IKR001V2D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IDS001V2 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - USB dongle
STEVAL-IDS001V3 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 433 MHz - USB dongle
STEVAL-IDS001V4 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 868 MHz - USB dongle
STEVAL-IDS001V5 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - USB dongle
STEVAL-IKR002V1 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 169 MHz - FULL KIT
STEVAL-IKR002V3 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 433 MHz - FULL KIT
STEVAL-IKR002V4 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 868 MHz - FULL KIT
STEVAL-IKR002V5 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - FULL KIT
STEVAL-IKR002V1D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 169 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IKR002V4D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 868 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IKR002V3D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 433 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IKR002V2D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IKR002V5D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
STEVAL-IKR002V7D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 169 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD - range extender
STEVAL-IKR002V4B SPIRIT1 - low data rate transceiver - 868 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD - integrated balun

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Easy to use - GUI gets users up an running fast

  • SPIRIT1 performance can be easily tested
  • Packet trasmission/reception test with PER evolution
  • AES engine ecryption/decryption tests
  • Register read/write and dump

  • Wireless M-BUS GUI suite

This SW are in the GUI, see here.

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Tutorials and SW examples

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State Machine

0000011 0x03 READY READY
0001111 0x0F LOCK-ON LOCKED
0010011 0x13 LOCK-WON transient
0010111 0x17 LOCK_FLTWT transient
0011011 0x1B LOCK_FLTOFF transient
0011111 0x1F PROTOCOL1 transient
0100011 0x23 XO_SETTLING transient
0100111 0x27 READY2WT transient
0101011 0x2B PROTOCOL_RX_2 transient
0101111 0x2F PROTOCOL_TX_2 transient
0110011 0x33 RX RX
0110110 0x36 SLEEP SLEEP
0111011 0x3B PM_setup transient
0111111 0x3F SMPSWT transient
1000000 0x40 STBY STANDBY
1000111 0x47 PROTOCOL_RX_1 transient
1001011 0x4B PROTOCOL_TX_1 transient
1001111 0x4F STTUNE transient
1010011 0x53 SYNTH_SETUP transient
1011111 0x5F TX TX
1100011 0x63 WAIT0 transient
1100111 0x67 WAIT1 transient
1101111 0x6F PROTOCOL_W0 transient

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