If you read here means that you are holding a Raspberry Pi board and maybe you are eager to use it, but if you didn't documented yourself before, now you must buy also:
Now you must connect the peripherals shown below in red.
The Raspberry Pi is designed to work with Linux but we
know that there are different versions, on this manual we uase the Raspbian
"wheezy" (derived from Debian).
Raspbian is the recommended Linux version for RaspBerry Pi.
Download and install the Raspbian on
On Internet there are a lot of explanation, I highlight below some
For who use a PC
with Windows see below:
(In Italian language)
(In English language)
For who use a LINUX
or MAC see below:
Here is my step by step for download and install Raspbian on SD card of 8GB.
Format your SD card as FAT32
For who use LINUX I suggest to use gparted.
For who use Windows I suggest to use Win32DiskImager.
Download RaspBian from here:
in the Internet page go down untill you find the RaspBian image (see
For Turn Off your
RaspBerry Pi use the command:
sudo shutdown -h now
sudo halt
LEDs on RaspBerry Pi
On the RaspBerry Pi there are 5 leds that are:
During normal run
the led 100, LINK, FDX and PWR are ON, and sometime flashing the led
ACT (ACT when is on, highlight the access to the SD card).
When the RaspBerry Pi is stopped, only the PWR is ON, remember that for
turn off is necessary do the command below.
sudo shutdown -h now
When is ON only the led PWR (all other leds are OFF), is possible remove the power to RaspBerry Pi.
If you use only the USB WiFi for connect the RaspBerry Pi to the Access Point, you see ON only the led PWR and sometime flashing the led ACT (ACT when is on, highlight the access to the SD card).
Raspi Config
This is a configuration utility tha is run
automaticaly at first power on of your RaspBerry Pi.
This utility permit to configure your RaspBerry Pi.
For execute the configuration utility using this
command (from terminal/shell):
sudo raspi-config
For surfing inside the menů use the arrow keys and the tab key.
The fundamental things that you must do are:
configure the keyboard
do the update of the SW
espand the filesystem, this is for use all the space that there are on SD card.
Configure your local
time, during this configuration you must chose a server where
your RaspBerry Pi find the references for your local time.
Remember that on the RaspBerry Pi is not present a RTC, the only way to
mantain your RaspBerry time after a power on is a Internet connection.
the ssh,
is wery important because by this way we have the possibility to
control from a remote PC our RaspBerry Pi.
For do this chose:
Advanced Options
If you enable boot_behavior after the power on
is started the graphics interface of Raspbian (LXDE).
I suggest to not enable this option, in any case is possible start the
LXDE using the command:
from a terminal.
raspberry login:
I suggest you to change the password from the menů: change_pass
At this point your RaspBerry Pi is configured and running.
Our key point is to use the RaspBerry Pi without display, keyboard and mouse, for this reason is important to know the IP address of our RaspBerry Pi (related to the lan where RPi is connected, normaly our network at home).
For discovery the IP address of your RaspBerry Pi there are different possibility, one is to use the command ifconfig from a terminal of our RaspBerry Pi:
Link encap:Loopback locale
inet: Maschera:
indirizzo inet6:
::1/128 Scope:Host
RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
RX packets:47074
errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:47074
errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
Another way to find the IP is:
Discovery the IP of our RaspBerry Pi from remote PC
Suppose that your RaspBerry Pi is connected to a LAN,
for discovery the IP address of it, follow the explanations below.
From a remote PC with LINUX (connected to the same LAN) open a terminal and use the command:
nmap -sP
obviously change the:
and use the IP address for your Access Point or Router.
You receive an answer from the nmap command, similar to the image below.
My RaspBerry Pi name is: rpi1.station and the IP is:
ATTENTION: if nmap is not present on your Linux distribution, install it using the following command:
sudo apt-get install nmap
sudo su
install nmap
If you use a remote PC with Windows, for discovery the IP address of your RaspBerry Pi, I suggest to use: Angry IP Scanner that is free.
Below a immage of a scan of a LAN.
Control RaspBerry Pi from remote PC
the Raspberry Pi is used in control applications, and is mounted in
cabinets or in places difficult to access, which is why it is essential
to remote the control of our Raspberry Pi by using a remote PC.
To do what is written above, there are several possibilities that are:
Remote control by Ethernet
Remote control by RS232
Leaving aside the possibility of using the RS232 due to the fact that on modern PCs no longer exists, we will focus on remote control via Ethernet.
To control via the Internet Raspberry Pi is essential to have enabled in the configuration, the SSH server. If you have not already done so read here.
In practice, the control is carried out as shown in the figure below.
How to use a remote terminal using Putty o Kitty (PC with WINDOWS)
The first thing to do is to install: PUTTY
(install it on PC with LINUX but also on PC with Windows)
By using Putty or Kitty we have the possibility to control our
RaspBerry Pi using remote PC and a terminal (shell).
Enter the IP address of the Raspberry Pi, on how to locate the IP address see here.
Save the configuration.
For your convenience I have put below the main windows PUTTY you will need to fill out; see the red rectangles.
How to use a
remote terminal (PC with LINUX)
You must know the IP address of your IP del RaspBerry
Pi, (see here
or use the command nmap see here.
To log on to your Raspberry Pi, you
have two possibilities: via terminal using the command ssh or use PUTTY.
From a remote PC use the command:
ssh IndirizzoIPdelRaspBerry -l pi
remember that pi is default login or RaspBerry Pi, if you have
changed it you must change also here.
ssh -l pi
obviously is the IP of my RaspBerry Pi, change this IP
with your IP
my PC where I have Xubuntu, occasionally, by using the ssh command I
happen to not be able to login to the restart of the PC, see here.
This is the mode that I recommend because PUTTY is available for both
LINUX and Windows and works perfectly.
To install it, go to the Software Center and download it to your PC.
The graphics from remote
On our Raspberry Pi there is Linux version: Raspbian,
it is also available a graphical interface which is called X.
Directly from a shell of RaspBian we can launch the GUI by running the
Graphics for remote PC with LINUX
By using a remote PC and Linux you have different possibility, here we show two possibility, see below.
VNC server
On RaspBerry Pi
Install the VNC server on your RaspBerry Pi, for do this, after you have connected your remote PC to your RaspBerry, use the command:
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver tightvnc-java
Now start the server:
vncserver :1 -geometry 1200x700 -depth 24
During the installation the
vncserver ask you to insert a password,
chose one easy to remember.
Obviously replaced 1200x700 with resolution of your remote PC.
To start
the vncserver automatically at power on of your Raspberry Pi do
:1 -geometry 1200x700 -depth 24
On remote PC (that use Linux)
On your remote PC now is necessary install vncviewer, for do this open a terminal and follow the instructions below.
apt-get install vncviewer
For run vncviewer use the command:
Obviously, replace with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, see here.
2) ssh
ssh -X
Obviously, replace with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, see here.
Graphics for remote PC with WINDOWS
If on your remote PC you use Windows I suggest you to use this X emulator that is free.
Another possibility
is to use Xming
that is X server and is open source.
Manage remote files from your PC with LINUX to the RaspBerry Pi
From a terminal/shell from the remote PC you can use
the commands below.
Please read this note.
Copying files from: PC to Raspberry Pi
scp LocalFile RemotePCName@IPaddress:DestinationFile
scp geo.pdf pi@
file from: RaspBerry Pi to PC
scp pi@ P1.py
We taken the file P1.py from the directory of the Raspberry Pi: /home/pi/PY
and copied it on your PC in the directory where you are.
Copying directory from: remote PC to RaspBerry Pi
On RaspBerry Pi is necessary create the destination directory, for example:
cd /var/www
do the new directory:
sudo mkdir phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages
enable all privileges:
sudo chmod 777 phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages
at this point from the remote PC use the command below:
scp -rpC phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages pi@
pi@ - change this with your address of RaspBerry Pi
this is the directory that is on remote PC and that we want to copy on
the RaspBerry Pi.
is the directory on the RaspBerry Pi
where we copy the files.
Manage remote files from PC with WINDOWS to the RaspBerry Pi Windows
For who use on remote PC Windows I suggest to use the WinSCP see the link below.
How to connect a USB WiFi (SITECOM N300)
Log on to our Raspberry Pi using the RJ45 cable
is definitely very reliable but also inconvenient, it is certainly more
convenient to use a connection via WiFi key.
To do this you can use a lot of WiFi keys, here is a list of the keys
compatible with our Raspberry Pi.
Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-12-28 01:00 CET
scan report for vodafone.station (
is up (0.0011s latency).
scan report for android-9e52b9407176d692.station (
is up (0.051s latency).
scan report for android-b1a38c6c82d7340e.station (
is up (0.032s latency).
scan report for fritz.repeater.station (
is up (0.062s latency).
scan report for enrico-MM061.station (
is up (0.00038s latency).
scan report for enricohp.station (
is up (0.034s latency).
scan report for rpi1.station (
is up (0.0099s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-DestroCortile.station (
is up (0.00080s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-Pedonale.station (
is up (0.00075s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-SinistroCortile.station (
is up (0.00075s latency).
scan report for rpi1.station (
is up (0.034s latency).
done: 255 IP addresses (11 hosts up) scanned in 3.40 seconds
Nmap 5.21 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-12-28 01:22 CET
scan report for vodafone.station (
is up (0.0018s latency).
scan report for android-b1a38c6c82d7340e.station (
is up (0.012s latency).
scan report for fritz.repeater.station (
is up (0.0057s latency).
scan report for enrico-MM061.station (
is up (0.00028s latency).
scan report for enricohp.station (
is up (0.0030s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-DestroCortile.station (
is up (0.0012s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-Pedonale.station (
is up (0.0011s latency).
scan report for DCS-930L-SinistroCortile.station (
is up (0.0012s latency).
scan report for rpi1.station (
is up (0.0057s latency).
done: 255 IP addresses (9 hosts up) scanned in 3.44 seconds
Control the mcu temperature on your RaspBerry Pi from remote terminal
To know the temperature of cpu use the command below from terminal/shell.
vcgencmd measure_temp
Control the RaspBerry Pi from Android
and try to type: Raspberry Pi
you will see many apps available for the most varied fields of use.
applications, the most advanced, those that directly control the GPIO,
require the installation of a dedicated software on the Raspberry Pi,
but if you just want to know if your Raspberry Pi is working then I
suggest: RasPi Check
How to install a server Apache2, PHP5 and the relative libraries
For install Apache2 use the command below:
sudo apt-get install apache2
For install PHP5 use the command below:
sudo apt-get install php5
For install the library "bridge" from Apache2 and PHP5 use the command below:
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
Now in order to use Apache2 like a Web Server visible from an remote computer (compared to Raspberry Pi) do the modification explained below.
Go to the directory below:
cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
Edit the contents of the file 000-default use nano as editor, enter the command:
sudo nano 000-default
change None with All, see the red box below.
Save the file (Ctrl X).
Now restart Apache2, to do this use the command:
sudo service apache2 restart
To check if everything went well we open our browser
(always from the remote PC) and write the IP address of our RaspBerry
If you've done everything correctly, there must appear a page similar
to this one.
How to install the data base MySQL, plus the package for PHP5, etc
For install MySQL on RaspBerry Pi from a remote PC connected to
terminal/shell do the command:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
During the
installation the SW is request a password for MySQL root user,
see below.
Remember that the MySQL root user
name is root.
Install the libraries for PHP5, use the command below.
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
Install the libraries for Python, use the command below.
sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
Clean the system from the files not used, use the command below.
sudo apt-get autoremove
Restart the MySQL server, use the command below.
sudo service mysql restart
Fot check if the installation is OK, use the command below.
sudo service mysql status
If you've done everything correctly, there must appear a page similar to this one.
Graphics interface for MySQL
To administer a
MySQL by a GUI suggest you also install the phpMyAdmin, follow the instructions below.
From remote PC open your browser and go to this address:
Next press the download key.
At the end of the download, unzip it and you must see something like below.
Copy the directory: phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages
on RaspBerry Pi in the directory: /var/www
for do this follow the explanation below.
From remote PC connect to the Raspberry Pi and go to the directory:
/var/www (directory on the
RaspBerry Pi)
Create the destination directory:
sudo mkdir phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages
Give all permissions to the newly created directory:
sudo chmod 777 phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages
From remote PC go where is the directory to copy. Copy from remote PC to RaspBerry Pi. Use the command below.
scp -rpC phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages pi@
For more info on scp see here.
Rename the directory in phpmyadmin, use the command below.
sudo su
mv phpMyAdmin-4.1.2-all-languages phpmyadmin
To check if you did everything correctly on the remote PC, open your browser and give the address of your Raspberry Pi e /phpmyadmin, see below.
You must see something like below
Now insert the User Name (of MySQL) for root, normally is root and next insert the password that you choose when you installed MySQL, see here.
After a few seconds you have to get the image below.
Well, everything works perfectly.
To exit this interface click on the icon highlighted below.
Create a db with MySQL from shell (terminale)
is assumed that the commands below are data from a remote PC that is
connected with a shell (terminal) to your Raspberry Pi.
Manage the db created with MySQL
using a graphics interface -> phpMyAdmin
From a PC that is connected to the same local network as your Raspberry Pi, open a browser and type:
change the: with the IP of your RaspBerry Pi.
Now insert User Name ad Password
Utente: root
Password: enter the password that you
chose when you installed MySQL
At this point you will get a page like this (see below) where you have to find the new db EMdb (see red rectangle).
From here you can populate your db with all the fields and data you need.
To exit this interface click on the icon highlighted below.
Why using Python ? Here my answers:
Python is relatively simply to learn
Python is available on different Operating System
There are a loot of libraries available for industrial control system
The alternative that I could imagine is C but it
is certainly more difficult to learn.
Python is an interpreted language.
Versions of Python
Today are available two version and are:
Python 2.x.x
Python 3.x.x
The differences from this two version are in the links below.
The standard librariers of Python are here:
In this manual I used the Python v.2.7.3.
For check if Python is present on your RaspByan
use the command below:
python -V
The answer must be similar to this (see below):
From a terminal if you write: Python
you enter in the command
interpreter and you
have the possibility to test immediately the syntax of Python.
For exit from the interpeter type: exit()
Very useful is the utility pip that is a tool for manage
the Python libreries.
For instal pip use the command below:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
the structure of the programs is accomplished simply identation
(aligning with the right TAB) the instructions you write.
You no longer need to declare variables before using them.
The data types are automatically assigned according to the contents
used during the assignments.
Python has the following keywords or reserved words; they cannot be
used as identifiers
Below some link regarding Python.
For execute a Python program you must use the syntax below.
python file-name
In a real program, that is a file, the first line must contain the
pointer to the command interpreter of Python.
On Raspberry Pi that use RaspBian must be:
Our first Python program.
First I suggest to create a directory for our examples, I suggest the
name PY.
Next, in the directory PY we create P1.py
, follow the steps below.
cd /home/pi
mkdir PY
cd PY
nano P1.py
Write in P1.py the lines below.
Save the file (ctrl + X) and next use the command:
python P1.py
if you did everything correctly you must see something
like this:
Of course there are Integrated
Development Environments (IDE)
that make life easier for programmers.
Look for example here:
Library for manage the GPIO
To manage
the various devices of our Raspberry Pi exist numerous libraries
developed for Python, the first library that we download is for
management the GPIO.
To do this, type:
apt-get install python-rpi.gpio
The DOC is here:
General purpose libraries
For the Python language were created several libraries ready for the most diverse areas of application which you can find here:
GPIO in OutPut mode
We modify the program P1.py (nano P1.py) as shown below to make flashing the output GPIO4.
import time
"Ciao da RaspBerry Pi"
"Gestione GPIO4 che lampeggia con frequenza di 2sec"
"Per fermare questo programma premere ctrl + c"
Save it and run it as superuser, see below:
sudo su
python P1.py
If you connect a multimeter, set to measure a DC voltage, to the GPIO connector between the pin7 (positive, GPIO4) and pin6 (negative GND) you will notice that the voltage changes from 0 to 3.3 V (approximately) in intervals 2sec (2sec at 0V and 2sec at 3.3V).
If you use the expansion board FT1060M , you see flashing the led named LD5.
Let's go into the details of the
program just released.
pointer to the command
interpreter Python.
inclusion of the TIME library, we will use the method of sleep so
timing the LED will flash.
above line import library Rpi.GPIO and create a reference name that is
GPIO. We will use GPIO in the continuation of the program.
with this line we set the pin numbering of GPIO.
For the numbering there are two ways which are:
Riferimento alla numerazione dei pin del connettore GPIO del RaspBerry Pi - GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
If we had used the numbering: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
we wrote: GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT) to access to the GPIO4
set pin4 at 1 "True"
set pin4 at 0 "False"
with this line we create an infinite loop in the code.
For exit from this program is necessary press: ctrl + c
Below is a program similar to
the above but using a different enumeration of the GPIO:
and also use a call to a function - Blink
RPi.GPIO as GPIO ## Import GPIO library
## Import 'time' library. Allows us to use 'sleep'
## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin 7 to OUT
a function named Blink()
i in range(0,numTimes): ## Run loop numTimes
Switch on pin 7
Switch off pin 7
"Done ",
## When loop is complete, print "Done"
Ask user for total number of blinks and length of each blink
= raw_input("Enter total number of times to blink: ")
= raw_input("Enter length of each blink(seconds): ")
Start Blink() function. Convert user input from strings to numeric
data types and pass to Blink() as parameters
GPIO.cleanup() # Released the resources that we are used - GPIO
To learn more about the functions
looks at the links shown below.
To download these example go here.
GPIO in InPut mode
use the GPIO in inputs as there are several possibilities but it is
worth dwelling on the fact that here we are using a Linux system, so we
need to use some resource of RaspBian kernel that alerts us when change
the state of a GPIO.
This because the GPIO does not have
an input buffer and there is the real possibility to lose the
change of the state of some InPut.
To solve this problem the solution is use the events that allows you to declare and register an event source
and then use a polling by delegating the manage of polling to the
Practically every resource can be used as a source of an event, you can use a GPIO pin, a communication socket, a pipe, etc.
Basically need:
activate the listening of the kernel by method epoll
There is a further problem is that the bounce that occurs when you press a button that generates a series of spurious transactions that can last from 5 to 30ms (see below).
The filtering of input on our Raspberry Pi must be resolved via HW using the filters Pi-Greek coupled with the Schmitt trigger or better yet use a small MCU that takes care of filter buttons and then tell us the value read (see here).
All this, however, goes
beyond this manual, here we will use a coarser solution that is based
on creating a filter 1sec for not listening the button after it has
detected the change of state.
Below is the list of basic instructions needed to create the polling process described above.
import select
pin_base = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio27/'
3) #
Creazione file descrittori per GPIO27
= '/sys/class/gpio/gpio27/'
27 > /sys/class/gpio/export")
3b) #
Impostazione GPIO17 come ingresso
'in' > /sys/class/gpio/gpio27/direction")
3c) #
Impostazione innesco evento su fronte di discesa
'falling' > /sys/class/gpio/gpio27/edge")
4) f = open(pin_base + 'value', 'r')
5) po = select.epoll()
po.register(f, select.POLLPRI)
events = po.poll(60000)
import of select library
configure the file descriptor for GPIO27. The file is stored in: /sys/class/gpio/
from 3 to 3c, we create
the descriptors for InPut pin
open in read mode the descriptor file of GPIO27
we create the instance epoll using object select
record, using the register method, the source of the event, ie, the file descriptor GPIO27
This line initializes the
event request and waits for the occurrence of the event, pressing the
60000 indicates that if no event is not trapped in an interval of
60sec, is still triggered an event that can be intercepted by the
program and which serves to highlight that the mechanism is in
In the select library there are several ways to management event (see picture below).
For more info see here.
To make the tests will use a button connected to GPIO27 (pin 13) of the connector GPIO our Raspberry Pi, see diagram below (for the resistance goes well on any value between 1 and 10K).
It is also possible use the FT1060M expansion card and we use P2.
resistance on the one hand is connected to GPIO27 (pin 13) and the
other side must be connected to 3.3V GPIO pin 1 on the connector.
Pay particular attention to this connection, the GPIO withstand maximum
voltages of 3.3 V.
The program that we will write will be launched from super user (sudo su) because we need to access to protected directories on the Raspberry Pi.
Below is the syntax of GPIOInt.py
To download these example go here.
On complex
systems based on Operatig System (SO), like Linux that is used on our
RaspBerry Pi, is easy that two or more process try to use
simultaneously the same HW resource.
In the SO are implemented a mechanism for avoid the multiple access to the same HW at the same time.
The same thing can happen to us if we develop complex programs on the Raspberry Pi, especially if we divide our programs into small programs, each of which deals with one thing and then a program that shows the final results of the various calculations.
Suppose we want to implement an application that:
Read the INGRESSI of contacts or buttons (to do this we will use the kernel - events and polling)
To develop this application we use minimal programs that implement each a single part (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).
This structure is very modular, so then it becomes easier to manage
(update) the individual modules but we have a competition problem
because we have two programs that sooner or later they will try to
simultaneously use the I2C peripheral.
Comes the need to save
somewhere that is done by the programs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and give the
possibility to program 5 to displays the results.
to this problem are different, we decided to use a particular database
in MySQL that will help us to solve the problem of competition lining
up processes that try to access the same database.
In practice, with this mechanism we use the database and before
accessing the I2C peripherals, we go to read their status in the
database and if it is busy (busy data base) will wait until that is
We will use the same database to track the status of the inputs, the
outputs, the value of the NTC and the value that has been set to the
Then we will use an Apache server to publish a HTML / PHP that summarizes the state of the inputs the value of the NTC (temperature in ° C) and the DAC.
Soon you will find a complete example in this section.
How to configure the I2C bus
In the kernel of RaspBian the I2C bus is disabled (it is in the blacklisted) because this bus uses GPIO2 (pin3) and GPIO3 (pin 5) and we prefer to give priority to the GPIO.
To enable the I2C bus, follow the procedure listed below.
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
With the nano editor, put line of the I2C under comment, see below red rectangle.
Save the changes (CTRL + X and then Y), turn off and on the Raspberry Pi for changes to take effect.
Now we need that the new module is loaded at boot Raspberry Pi, we want it to become an integral part of the kernel RaspBian.
To do this, enter the command:
sudo nano /etc/modules
at the bottom of the file and add the line:
Save the changes (CTRL + X and then Y).
To check if the module has been loaded, use the command:
you must see a response similar to this below, see red rectangle.
Now we should also load the i2c-tools utility that provides functions that can be used directly by the shell.
To do this, follow the instructions below.
We install the package.
apt-get install i2c-tools
we add pi user to our group I2C
sudo adduser pi i2c
Turn off and on the Raspberry Pi for changes to take effect.
some applications in Python, like the card FT1060M, we would use a I2C
library and there are many available, we have chosen to use the library
To install this library from the remote PC connected to the Raspberry Pi enter the command:
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
To use this library you should be careful in which revision of Raspberry Pi is being used, in the example program of Marco Magagnin, TempLux.py there is shown below that the definition should be changed as shown.
= SMBus(1) – for RPi rev.2
= SMBus(0) – for RPi rev.1
The UART port (RS232) on RaspBerry Pi is:
At power on this port is used as the
communication port used by Kernel RaspBian to send and/or receive
messages from a serial terminal.
The communication speed is 115000baud.
These parameters are configured in the file:
To use the serial port ttyAMA0 in our applications it is necessary to disable kernel messages on this port.
To do this, follow the steps below.
Change the file:
Leaving only the following parameters:
console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline
Save the file.
Change the file:
you open it and look for the line:
T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200
this line must be comment using the # character, see below.
#T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200
Save the file.
Turn off and on the Raspberry Pi for changes to take effect.
To test the UART I suggest to use minicom , first: install minicom using this command:
apt-get install minicom
For run minicom use this syntax:
-b 9600 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0
At start up of minicom try to beat the keys on the keyboard of the remote PC, nothing will happen.
Now connected pin8 to pin10 of the GPIO connector and tap on the keyboard keys, now you will see on the screen the keys you press.
This means that the installation was done correctly.
The SPI is a synchronous bus (it has a reference clock), which operates in full duplex.
It is basically a bus master / slave (the master will always be our Raspberry Pi) and uses three basic lines of communication are:
– Master In, Slave Out
– Master Out, Slave In
– Clock line
vi possono essere delle linee chiamate SSx, che servono per
selezionare la periferiche SPI collegate come Slave, in pratica sono
i chip select dei componenti.
RaspBerry Pi ci sono due linee ci SS che sono state chiamate:
CE0 e
Below are some typical schematics of SPI connections.
A typical
SPI communication is to enable the SS (the line goes to zero), then
shipment of x clock ticks (with appropriate polarity and phase) during
which the data is transferred.
Today all MCU have SPI arriving at speeds of at least 10Mhz but there
are also with speeds well in excess and the amount of data is not
predefined but is user definable. Normally we use words (from) 16 or 32
Expansion board FT1060M
To do the tests on our Raspberry Pi, we decided to use the card FT1060M that you can get here for about 15 €.
Remember to enable the I2C before use it, see here.To verify that the card ST1060M is seen by the I2C bus, use the command:
-y 1
for RaspBerry Pi rev2 (512 KRAM)
-y 0
for RaspBerry Pi rev1 (quella con 256 KRAM)
If everything works properly, you must have something similar to the image shown below.
The 4f is the address of the ADC converter.
On the FT1060M we have:
conneted to ADC channel: AIN0 – address 0x40
An Photoresistor conneted to ADC channel: AIN1 – address 0x41
If you want to read the value tied to the NTC use the commands given below:
-y 1 0x4f 0x40
Read ADC channel AIN0
-y 1 0x4f
It returns the value in hexadecimal from the channel AIN0
If you repeat the above command and you holding between his fingers the NTC you must see the value decreases.
If you want to read the value tied to the Photoresistor use the commands given below:
-y 1 0x4f 0x41
Read ADC channel AIN1
-y 1 0x4f
It returns the value in hexadecimal from the channel AIN1
If you repeat the above command obscuring the photocell you must see the value that increases.
If you want to try the DAC output, you must give the commands shown below.
-y 1 0x4f 0x40 255
The red led must be completely on.
Now try this sequence of commands and see the RED LED.
-y 1 0x4f 0x40 140
-y 1 0x4f 0x40 160
-y 1 0x4f 0x40 255
You will see the RED LED that light up to three different intensity levels.
Examples SW can download them from here.
Council to buy the complete kit, ie:
Book "Raspberry Pi" by Marco Magagnin + Board FT1060M you find here.
Every time you do a reading must always repeat it at least TWICE.
This is need because as a result of a variation of the signal of the
sensor connected to 'the ADC, the first read value is the old value and
the second is the new value.
Peripherals Description Address Note
I2C 0x4F
ADC AIN1 0x41 Photoresistor
ADC AIN2 0x42
ADC AIN3 0x43
How many RaspBerry Pi are available today ?
Up to now there are two version that are: Model A e Model B.
Model A do not have the Ethernet and the RAM is 256KB.
Model B has the Ethernet, the version 1 has
256KRAM the version 2 has 512KRAM.
Between the Model B version 1 and version 2 there are also a differences on the GPIO connector that are show below.
B versione 1: Modello B
versione 2:
pin 3 is GPIO0 GPIO pin 3 is GPIO2
pin 5 is GPIO1 GPIO pin 5 is GPIO3
pin.13 is GPIO21 GPIO pin.13 is GPIO27
To know the version of your Raspberry Pi use the command shell and type the command show below:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
you should see a response similar to this below.
A detailed description of the connectors on the Raspberry Pi, even including some of the undocumented are here:
Here you will find the mapping of GPIO in the various versions of the Raspberry Pi.
Below is the layout of the I/O GPIO connector of the Model B version 2.
NTC Thermistors and relevant formulas for their linearization
The thermistors NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) are normally used for measure the temperature.
components have the characteristic to change their resistive value as
the temperature varies, in particular its resistance decreases with
increasing temperature.
The variation of their resistive value does not follow a linear
temperature variation and for this reason is necessary linearize it.
To do this you can use mathematical formulas, see below, or on small
mcu 8bit you prefer to use of lookup tables that require less
computational resources.
Steinhart-Hart equations
This is one of the more precise equations that have a resolution of 0.002 ° C, third order approximation.
Thermistor Calculator
The formula is:
temperature in kelvin
R resistance of the thermistor in ohms at the time of measurement
A, B, C and D
are the coefficients of Steinhart and Hart, which vary according to the
model of the thermistors and temperature range chosen. Usually these
parameters are present in the datasheet thermistor you choose to use.
In case on the datasheet of our thermistor were not specified all the parameters that we need one can opt for a second method which is based on the parameter B of the thermistor and whose formula is:
R0 is the value of the thermistor to the temperature T0 that is usually given for 25°C.
B is a constant found on the datasheet of the NTC.
For our experiments we use a NTC 10K and we will use the following values:
= 0,00335402
B = 0,000256985
C = 2,62013e-6
D = 6,38309e-8
formula Steinhart and Hart does not take into account the effects of
dissipation factor K thermistor, or dell'autoriscaldamento.
The K-factor is in turn found on the datasheet for the thermistor.
For our thermistor we have:
K = 6
The value in degrees to subtract to the result of the formula Steinhart and Hart is:
Td = V*V / K*Rth
The circuit which is typically used to detect the variations of an NTC is the following.
On this schematics must make some considerations are:
The supply voltage (3.3 V) must be very stable to avoid introducing errors on the measurement that we will do
The resistance R must be at least 1% accuracy or better
The ADC must have a precise voltage reference to avoid introducing errors on the measurement that we will do
For the tests we do we will use the FT1060M card that uses the above diagram for interfacing the NTC to a MCU. MCU then talks in I2C to our Raspberry Pi.
The above mentioned mcu has a 8bit ADC that has a precision (V = 3.3 / 256)
The voltage value that we will is:
V = (ValADC * Vref) / 256
Vref is 3,3V and ValADC is the value returned by the ADC in decimal format
We measure a voltage and for get the value of the resistance, we use the formula:
Rth = (R*V) / (Vin-V)
Vin is 3,3V.
The Python main features are below:
= 15000.0 # Resistor R
R_th0 = 10000.0 # Reference thermistor resistence at 25°C
V_IN = 3.3 # Supply voltage of divider voltage
V_REF = 3.3 # Supplay reference voltage of ADC
A = 0.00335402 # Steinhart-Hart
Costant A
B = 0.000256985 # Steinhart-Hart Costant B
= 2.62013e-6 # Steinhart-Hart Costant C
D = 6.38309e-8 # Steinhart-Hart Costant D
K = 6.0 # Fattore
dissipazione K 6mV C
pB = 4100,0 # Costant of B Parametr
# After scanning the channel of the ADC where is connected where the NTC
# We'll do the following calculations and conversions
print "NTC
- Hex ADC_0 = ",
print hex(raw_val)
# Delete the first two characters (0x) from the value read and also the final L
# Transform the result in decimal
hex_val =
dec_val = int(hex_val,16)
"NTC -Dec ADC_0 = ",
print dec_val
# Transformation in voltage of reading
V = (dec_val *
V_REF) / 256.0 # V = (ValADC * Vref) / 256
print "Volt
NTC = ",
print V
# Calculation of resistance
R_th = (R1 * V) / (V_IN – V) # Rth =
(R*V) / (Vin-V)
print "Resistenza NTC = ",
# Calculation of degrees Kelvin using the formula of the Steinhart-Har
logR = math.log(R_th / R_th0)
logR2 = logR**2
logR3 =
Stein = 1.0 / (A + B * logR + C * logR2 + D * logR3)
Converting in Celsius and application of dispersion factor
Celsius = round(Stein - 273.15 - V**2 / (K * R_th),2)
Stampa del risultato
print "Steinhart - Celsius = ",
print Celsius
# Calculation of degrees Kelvin with the formula of the parameter B
RRo = (R_th / 10000.0)
logRRo =
parB = 1.0 / ((1.0 / 298.15) + (logRRo / pB))
# Converting in Celsius and application of dispersion factor
Celsius2 = round(parB - 273.15 - V**2 / (K * R_th),2)
Stampa del risultato
print "parametro B - Celsius = ",
print Celsius2
Below is the complete listing of the program Temp.py that measuring the NTC and tells us that the ambient temperature
#!/usr/bin/env python
# By www.emcu.it
Gen. 2014
Import librerie
from smbus import SMBus
import math
= SMBus(0) # RaspberryPi modello A
bus = SMBus(1) # RaspberryPi modello B
= 0x4F # Imposta indirizzo 000 ADC su alcuni Rpi č 48
= 0x40 #
adc_channel2 = 0x41 # Imposta indirizzi canali
adc_channel3 = 0x42 # con risoluzione di 8 bit
= 0x43 #
= 15000.0 # Resistenza R1
R_th0 = 10000.0 #
Resistenza riferimento termistore a 25 c
= 3.3 # Tensione alimentazione partitori tensione
= 3.3 # Tensione riferimento misura ADC
A = 0.00335402 # Steinhart-Hart Costante A
B = 0.000256985 #
Steinhart-Hart Costante B
C = 2.62013e-6 # Steinhart-Hart
Costante C
D = 6.38309e-8 # Steinhart-Hart Costante D
= 4100.0 # Costante parametro B
K = 6.0 #
Fattore dissipazione K 6mV C
# Inizio elaborazione
Lettura canale 0 ADC - un byte esadecimale
# La prima istruzione
imposta la richiesta di campionamento su ADC 0
# Si eseguono tre
letture per evitare 0x80 all'accensione e per la precisone
incrementale del convertire
raw_val =
raw_val = bus.read_byte(adc_address1)
raw_val = bus.read_byte(adc_address1)
"NTC - Hex ADC_0 = ",
print hex(raw_val)
Elimina i primi due caratteri 0x dal valore letto ed eventuale L
# Trasforma il risultato in decimale
hex_val =
dec_val = int(hex_val,16)
"NTC -Dec ADC_0 = ",
print dec_val
Trasformazione in tensione del valore letto
V = (dec_val * V_REF)
/ 256.0
# Stampa del risultato
print "Volt NTC = ",
print V
Calcolo della resistenza
R_th = (R1 * V) / (V_IN – V)
Stampa del risultato
print "Resistenza NTC = ",
Calcolo dei gradi Kelvin con la formula di Steinhart-Hart
logR =
math.log(R_th / R_th0)
logR2 = logR**2
logR3 = logR**3
= 1.0 / (A + B * logR + C * logR2 + D * logR3)
Conversione in gradi Celsius e applicazione fattore di dispersione
Celsius = round(Stein - 273.15 - V**2 / (K * R_th),2)
Stampa del risultato
print "Steinhart - Celsius = ",
print Celsius
Calcolo dei gradi Kelvin con la formula del parametro B
RRo =
(R_th / 10000.0)
logRRo = math.log(RRo)
parB = 1.0 / ((1.0 /
298.15) + (logRRo / pB))
Conversione in gradi Celsius e applicazione fattore di dispersione
Celsius2 = round(parB - 273.15 - V**2 / (K * R_th),2)
Stampa del risultato
print "parametro B - Celsius = ",
print Celsius2
This program is available ready to use here.
LINUX basic commands
See this link.
How to get SW examples
In this manual, there are some examples SW written by me and others who have been taken from the book "Raspberry Pi" by Magagnin + FT1060M expansion board that you found here , the example of Magagnin are here.
My Python examples are here.
ASCII Terminal
RaspBerry web page
is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the
Raspberry Pi hardware.
RaspBerry web page
Verified Peripherals
General Link
Some commercial link