STM32F0-Discovery GPIO Toggle

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This example was tested on STM32F0-Discovery and does the following things:
Configure the GPIOs for driving the LEDs (LD3 and LD4).

This examples was tested using:
STM32F0 Library Ver. 1.0.0
KEIL (32KFree) ver.4.23 and ver.4.53
ATOLLIC ver.3.1.0

If you want to use this example on ATOLLIC do this:

Enter in the directory:
Next double click on:
When ATOLLIC starts, in the window that appears, chose the directory:
and press OK

Now is necessary change the Delay function, see the highlighted below.

void Delay(volatile long nCount) // VOLATILE is request for ATOLLIC v.3.1.0

/* Decrement nCount value */
while (nCount != 0)

Remember also to modify the Delay declaration, see the highlighted below

void Delay(volatile long nCount); // VOLATILE is request for ATOLLIC v.3.1.0

For get this example click here and download the: STM32F0-Discovery GPIO Toggle

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