ADC 4ch in DMA and SysTick

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This example was tested on STM32F0-Discovery and does the following things:
Configure the GPIOs for driving the LEDs (LD3 and LD4), the flashing is control by SysTick.
Configure the ADC_ch7 (PA7), ADC_ch1 (PA1), ADC_ch2 (PA2) and ADC_ch3 (PA3) and acquire them via DMA.
The ADC results are stored in:
see below.

ADC_ch7 (PA7) -->  RegularConvData_Tab[1]
ADC_ch1 (PA1) -->  RegularConvData_Tab[0]
ADC_ch2 (PA2) -->  RegularConvData_Tab[3]
ADC_ch3 (PA3) -->  RegularConvData_Tab[2]

This examples was tested using:
STM32F0 Library
 Ver. 1.0.0

KEIL (32KFree) ver.4.23 and ver.4.53
ATOLLIC ver.3.1.0
Windows XP and Windows 7

For test this program use the STM32F0-Discovery and you see the LEDs flashing at 100mS (see SysTick configuration).
For see the result of ADC conversion do this:
Enter in DEBUG mode and RUN the program, next pause the execution and you must see something like below (for ATOLLIC TrueSTUDIO).

Now connect, for example, PA0 to a potentiometer and RUN and PAUSE again the program, you must see a value in RegularConvData[0] that depend of the position of the cursor of the potentiometer.

If you want to use this example on ATOLLIC do this:

Enter in the directory:
Next double click on:
When ATOLLIC starts, in the window that appears, chose the directory:
and press OK

If you want to use this example on KEIL do this:

Enter in the directory:
Next double click on:

For get this example click here and download the: STM32F0-Discovery-ADC-4ch-in-DMA-and-SysTick

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