How to install the new driver for ST-Link-v2 and
STM32 software for test the configuration of KEIL

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Some customers finds some problems using the new ST-Link-v2 and KEIL C Compiler.
This problems are born from the installation of the software for ST-Link-v2 and KEIL C Compiler that are not correct.

For resolve this problems follow the explanation below.

First install the new release of KEIL C Compiler (uVision V4.21.0.0), for do this go here:

Second install the new driver for ST-Link-v2, for do this go here:
next click on:
Design support
and download and install:

After unzipped the ST-LINK/V2 USB driver run:
and if on your PC you have a old ST-Link driver, at the first time select:
for remove the old driver (see below):

Now run again
for installing the new ST-Link-v2 driver.

At this point you have the new KEIL C Compiler that working properly with ST-Link-v2.

Third for testing your installation download the example STM32-Test-STLinkV2 that is for KEIL C Compiler 32K free and run it on STM3210E-EVAL.

For run the project you must enter in the:
and open:
see below

Now click on the Target Option Icon and from the new window that appear click on Debug and select ST-Link Debugger.
Next click on the Settings
anf from the new window that appear select JTAG, see below.

Now click on the Utilities and select ST-Link Debugger, see below.

Now press Icon Debug  and next Icon Run/Continue and you must see something like below.
If you press the Icon Run/Continue  you must see increase the variable m and p and the
STM3210E-EVAL LEDs must go ON and OFF, see below.