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Increase your knowledge about MCU design with a useful and valuable collection of technical articles that explain how to choose an MCU, how to minimize power consumption and a range of other important concepts.

Volume 1 issue 1 is here
in this issue:

Selecting the optimal MCU for your embedded application
With the wide variety of MCUs available, how do you choose the best for your application? A recent survey of engineers conducted by EE Times found the most important element was the development tools. Find out what else is important and how you can choose from among a myriad of options in ST’s MCU portfolio.
Accelerated time-to-market through integration
An efficient, real-time embedded system requires that each component is optimized to operate in conjunction with the rest of the system. Today’s MCUs, including the STM32, accelerate system design by integrating many of the components an application requires, so enabling higher performance, eliminating throughput bottlenecks, improving responsiveness and determinism and increasing system safety through self-monitoring. Learn how you can get your next product to market faster.
Designing for low-power applications
The increasing complexity of portable and mobile electronics has made power efficiency a primary design parameter which developers need to consider from the very beginning of the design process. Find out how to minimize power consumption, including how to use the application-specific peripherals to offload the main CPU, manage the MCU’s low-power modes, and use dynamic voltage scaling.  Discover how advanced development tools can help architect, debug and profile power consumption.
Maximizing performance for real-time embedded systems
Many embedded applications, from digital audio and video devices to portable medical instruments and diagnostic test equipment, require deterministic system behavior to meet real-time deadlines and process data. Using an industrial control system with RTOS, explore how to maximize real-time performance using next-generation development tools to exploit the many real-time capabilities of the STM32 microcontroller architecture, including its advanced timing mechanisms, dynamic frequency and voltage scaling, multiple DMAs, 3-phase motor control timer, and cryptographic engine for secure communications.
Cost-effectively extending a product line through IP reuse
IP reuse is essential to quickly bring next-generation designs to market. A flexible architecture can also ease product-line extensions that capture both the low- and high-end market. Learn how to take advantage of a broad portfolio of software- and pin-compatible STM32 microcontrollers, extensive application-specific software libraries, and advanced development tools. These help to organize code and facilitate reuse to implement a motor control application that ranges from a simple driver to a complex system with multiple motors, advanced PFC, and dynamic drive algorithms.
Designing efficient connectivity
Embedded devices, from sensors and handheld medical units to energy meters, perform more efficiently and intelligently when they are interconnected. Implement reliable, high-speed interfaces while leaving sufficient headroom on an STM32 microcontroller to support a system application. Learn how to manage high data rates while offloading processing from the main CPU, employ encrypted protocols, and use an RTOS and the STM32’s integrated timers to support multiple real-time interfaces running at different frequencies.  An industrial application supporting several simultaneous interfaces (Ethernet, USB and SPI) illustrates these concepts.