STM32 HW and SW Tools

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Here some useful SW/HW tools.

SW tools: the Part Number that start on: STxxx are normally free.

Part Number Description
AsIDE Includes the SlickEditor, project management, build capability and pre-packaged adaptation for most popular third-party tools
CMX-CANopen CANopen Industrial Automation for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-FFS Flash File System for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-INet TCP/IP v4 or v6 stack for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-MicroNet TCP/IP v4 with small footprint for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-RTX Real Time OS for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-TCP/IP TCP/IP v4 stack for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-Tiny Real Time OS with small footprint for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-USBDevice USB Device stack for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CMX-USBHost USB Host stack for STM32, from CMX Systems Inc
CoIDE A free and highly-integrated software development environment for ARM Cortex MCUs
CoSmart An intelligent code generation tool, which can detect pin setting conflicts, generate complete source code, IDE projects, chip package figure, pin configuration report and module configuration report through graphical pins configuration
CrossWorks Based on CrossStudio integrated development environment with JTAG Flash download and debug
EmbestIDE Includes project manager, source-code editor, compiler, debugger, ARM instruction set simulator
HCC-Bootloaders Storage, USB or Serial Bootloader for STM32, from HCC Embedded
HCC-FFS All Flashs File Systems with fail-safe mechanisms for STM32, from HCC Embedded
HCC-MISRA-TCP/IP TCP/IP v4 or v6 stack for STM32, from HCC Embedded
HCC-USB USB Host & Device stacks for STM32, from HCC Embedded
Hitop5 Universal user interface, IDE and debugger for all Hitex development tools
MDK-ARM MDK-ARM is the complete software development environment for Cortex-M, ARM7, and ARM9 devices
MULTI Integrated development and debug environment for embedded applications using C and C++.
Men-Nucleus-SF Nucleus SmartFit for STM32
MicroXplorer MCU graphical configuration tool
PRT-CANopen CANopen Protocol Stack / Library for STM32
PRT-EtherCat EtherCAT Protocol Stack / Library for STM32
PRT-Powerlink POWERLINK Protocol Stack / Library for STM32
PRT-Profinet PROFINET Protocol Stack / Library for STM32
RIDE Raisonance IDE that drives the RLink and Signum JTAGjet in-circuit emulators.
ST-LINK In-circuit debugger and programmer for STM8 and STM32 MCUs; with IAR EWARM and Keil RVMDK and ST toolset
ST-LINK/V2 ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
STM-STUDIO STM Studio run-time variables monitoring and visualization tool
STM32-JAVA STM32Java development environment for STM32
STM32-MAT/TARGET STM32 embedded target for MATLAB and Simulink
STM32-MP3NL/COD Audio Engine MP3 Codec and Utilities
STM32-MP3NL/DEC Audio Engine MP3 Decoder and Utilities
STM32-WMA/DEC Audio Engine WMA Decoder and Utilities
STM3240G-JAVA STM32 F4 series Java evaluation kit
STM32F4-NETMF Microsoft .NET Micro Framework platform for STM32 F4 series
STSW-MCU005 STM32 and STM8 Flash loader demonstrator (UM0462)
STSW-STM32013 STM32F10xxx LCD glass driver firmware (AN2656)
STSW-STM32016 TFT LCD interfacing with the high-density STM32F10xxx FSMC (AN2790)
STSW-STM32017 STM32F10xxx Speex library firmware STM32, StdPeriph Lib, speex, audio (AN2812)
STSW-STM32025 Managing the Driver Enable signal for RS-485 and IO-Link communications with the STM32 USART
STSW-STM32028 STM32's ADC modes and their applications (AN3116)
STSW-STM32046 STM32F105/7, STM32F2 and STM32F4 USB on-the-go Host and device library (UM1021)
STSW-STM32047 Implementing receivers for infrared remote control protocols using STM32F1 microcontrollers (AN3174)
STSW-STM32065 STM32F4 DSP and standard peripherals library, including 82 examples for 26 different peripherals and template project for 5 different IDEs
STSW-STM32066 EEPROM emulation in STM32F40x/STM32F41x microcontrollers (AN3969)
STSW-STM32067 STM32F4 in-application programming (IAP) using the USART (AN3965)
STSW-STM32080 DfuSe USB device firmware upgrade STMicroelectronics extension: contains the demo GUI, debugging GUI, all sources files and the protocol layer (UM0412)
STSW-STM32093 STM32 TFT-LCD direct drive demonstration firmware (AN3241)
STSW-STM32094 STM32 in-application programming over the I2C bus (AN3078)
STSW-STM32095 MicroXplorer Eclipse plugin, graphical tool to configure STM32 microcontrollers
STSW-STM32098 STM32 embedded GUI library (AN3128)
STSW-STM32100 STM32 PMSM FOC SDK motor control firmware library (UM1052)
STSW-STM32102 STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver
STSW-STM32103 STM32 Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) and Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)capabilities. Examples and technical note.
STSW-STM32106 STM32F2 and STM32F4 demonstration builder platform
STSW-STM32120 Using floating-point unit (FPU) with STM32F4xx microcontrollers (AN4044)
STSW-STM32127 STM32F10xx, STM32F2xx, STM32F4xx and STM32L1xx I2C Communication peripheral application library (CPAL) (UM1029)
STSW-STM32129 STM32F2xx, STM32F4xx random number generation validation using NIST statistical test suite (AN4230)
STSW-STM32AN4187 Using CRC peripheral in STM32 family (AN4187)
STVP ST Visual Programmer for programming ST7, STM8 and STM32
STX-PRO/RAIS Unlimited in-circuit debugging/programming tool for STM32, STR7 and STR9
STX-RLINK In-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers
STemWin Professional graphical stack library enabling the building up of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) (AN4323)
TAP-KNX-KAIStack KNX home automation for STM8 and STM32, from Tapko Technologies GMBH
TASKINGVX TASKING VX-toolset for ARM based on Altium's Viper C compiler technology
TrueANALYSER A tool that performs advanced test quality measurements. The product performs dynamic execution flow analysis and provides rigorous code coverage measurements.
TrueINSPECTOR A tool that detects potential coding issues at an early stage. The product performs static source code inspection and generates software metrics and code complexity measurements
TrueSTUDIO The premier C/C++ development tool for STM32 development, with its unrivalled feature set and unprecedented integration
TrueVERIFIER Tool for advanced test automation. The product performs source code analysis and auto-generate unit tests that exercise an extensive set of different execution paths
VisualTFT A standalone application used for rapid development of graphical user interfaces for TFT displays. Software generates code for STM32 MCUs. Code is fully compatible with mikroElektronika compilers mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal
eCC-CAN CANopen Industrial Automation for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-CEE-J Embedded Java virtual machine for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-RedBoot Standard bootstrap firmware for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-SecureShell Secure Shell daemon SSH-2 for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-USB USB Host & Device stacks for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-YAFFS NAND Flash File System for STM32, from eCosCentric
eCC-eXtremeDB Embedded in-memory database for STM32, from eCosCentric
mikroBasicPRO A full-featured Basic compiler which makes STM32 development suitable for everyone
mikroCPRO A full-featured ANSI C compiler for STM32 devices. It features an intuitive IDE, powerful compiler with advanced optimizations
mikroPascalPRO A full-featured Pascal compiler for STM32 devices. It has an intuitive IDE with docking support, rich with features, advanced text editor, many available tools, libraries and examples

Other SW tools are available from this link:

STM32 HW tools are available from this link:

In general HW and SW tools are available from this link:

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