Italy - Bologna - 08/Marzo/2016
Italy - Padova  - 09/Marzo/2016
Italy - Milano  - 10/Marzo/2016

For customer that
want to do the hands-on please install on the PC the tools present in this file.
For test the KEIL installation use this files:

08:30 - Registration
08:50 -
09:00 - STM32 portfolio and Secure elements
10:00 - Sensors and WireLess
10:45 - Coffee Break
11:00 - WAN Technologies (Mesh, 6LowPAN, LoRa, SigFox)
11:45 - STM32Lxx family and focus on STM32L4
12:30 - Lunch
14:00 - Hands-On-n1 - Start a new project from scratch on STM32L4
 (ready to use for KEIL)
15:00 - Hands-On-n2 - IoT, remote sensors via WiFi on cloud IBM BlueMIX
(ready to use for KEIL, it is necessary a full license because the hex is around 45K)
16:00 - Conclusions

Below there are: presentations, slides, hands-on material, etc.

  • Source files of STDay-2016 are here.
      This doc is reserved for AVNET SILICA internal use.
      If you working in AVNET SILICA send me an email and ask
      me the: Source files of STDay-2016

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