2011 & 2012
STMicroelectronics Cortex-M4 Seminar

Date and Location:

Italy - Milano - 08-Nov-2011
Italy - Modena - 09-Nov-2011
Italy - Padova - 10-Nov-2011
Italy - Roma - 14-March-2012
Italy - Ancona - 15-March-2012

9,00 - 9,15 (15min)     Registration
9,15 - 9,45
(20min)     Welcome speech
9,45 - 11,00 (1,45h)    STMicroelectronics Microcontroller
STM8 and STM32 - click here to get the presentation (pdf 3,7MB)
Introduction to Cortex M4 (STM32F4xx) - click here to get the presentation (pdf 1,5MB)
Introduction to Cortex M0 (STM32F0xx)
11,00 - 11,15   Break
11,15 - 12,30 (1,15h)  Atollic Tools & Silica board presentation
Silica Xynergy board presentation
- click here to get the presentation (pdf 1,7MB)
- click here to get the documentation
- Xynergy XS - STM32 Cortex-M4, Spartan-6 & 128MB DDR3 is here
Silica porfID board presentation
- click here to get the presentation (pdf 600KB)
For more info contact your local SILICA FAE.
Atollic TrueSTUDIO - click here to get the presentation (pdf 2,5MB)
Atollic TrueANALYZER - click here to get the presentation (pdf 1,1MB)
Atollic TrueINSPECTOR - click here to get the presentation (pdf 936KB)
Atollic VERIFIER - click here to get the presentation (pdf 761KB)
Eclipse Overview - click here to get the presentation (pdf 491KB)
RTOS Overview
- click here to get the presentation (pdf 572KB)
12,30 - 13,30   Lunch
13,30 - 14,15 (45min)  STMicroelectronics M4 
Details STM32F4xxx series - click here to get the presentation (pdf 2,3MB)
14,15 - 16,00 (1,45h)  Hand's on Session
STM32F1 & SM32L1 evaluation boards - are here
STM32W1 evaluation boards - are here
STM32F4 evaluation boards - are here
STM32 motor control boards - are here
ST-Link-v2 in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families - is here
Introduction to STM32F4 library is here
EXE n.1 - is here

Introduction to FreeRTOS & EXE n.2 is here

16,00 - 16,15   Break
16,15 - 17,00 (45min) STMicroelectronics Analog - click here to get the presentation
MAGNETICA presentation is here
17,00               Conclusion

All seminar attendees will receive and work with their own STM32F4-DISCOVERY

  • STM32F4xxx (Cortex M4) page is here
  • Documentation concerning STM32 (Cortex Mx) is here
  • Documentation concerning STM8 (8 bit MCU) is here
  • ST-Link-v2 (STM8 & STM32 emulator) page is here
  • SILICA Xynergy board page is here
  • SILICA PorfID board page coming soon
  • MEMS is here
  • Power Line Modem is here
  • M24LRxx memory + RFID is here


STM8 home page
STM32 home page
Home Page