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The STEVAL-IFS001V1 is based on:


Description of ST-MEMS-DQ-EVAL and Description of PINs
How to use I2C and SPI
MEMS Module ST-MEMS-DQ-EVAL1.pdf (User manual)

SW for use STEVAL-IFS001V1 on PC - ATTENTION: This is a free software but it is protected by a password, please send me an e-mail and:
in the subject (oggetto) write:
SW for use STEVAL-IFS001V1 on PC
in the body of e-mail write:
your Name - City - Country
and I will send you the password to open it.
Click here to send e-mail.

The software below is for Windows and is in the pakage: SW for use STEVAL-IFS001V1 on PC
The name of the SW is: MEMS_USB_Reader_73.exe

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