How to open
Packard Bell DOT M

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On this page there are explanations on how to open the Packard Bell DOT M
The opening of the DOT M was made to remove an annoying vibration that could be heard intermittently and disappearing by moving the PC or by pressing on the keyboard.
If you want to know more read below.

What you need:
1) Patience
2) An old credit card
3) A small star screwdriver
4) A small flat screwdriver

First you must remove the keypad of DOT M which is held in place by four tabs located in the top positions:
From ESC and F1
From F5 and F6
From F10 and F11
From INS and CANC
In the photo below shows the tab that is located between the ESC key and the F1 key.
These tabs must be pushed back and simultaneously raise the keyboard.

Use the flat screwdriver to push back the tabs and put your old credit card under the buttons to lift the keyboard.
See picture below and the movie by clicking here.

Now that we have disengage the keyboard is necessary disconnect its the flat cable from the mother board.
To do that we must push up the black part of the connector.
To do that you use your old credit card as shown below.

Disconnect the keyboard it is also necessary removed the flat cable of the touch pad using the technique just described. See photo below to locate the position (pink arrow).

Now close your PC and remove all the screws that are on the back, taking care to remember the exact position of the screws that are different lengths.

Removed the screws above now you must remove the radio module and the hard drive.
To remove the hard drive remove the two screws that fix it (red circles) and using the plastic tab to pull to the left it (red arrow), see pictured below.
Unplug also the cable black pulling upward (see circle in yellow) as shown by the arrow.
Unplug this cable will help us to be able to remove the mother board.

To remove the radio module, first remove the shielded cables, pull up and then the anchor screw. See the picture below.

Now turn the PC and remove all the screws inserted in the keyboard compartment, see picture below.

Now insert the credit card on the flange of PC and slide it across the flange and push it to the inside of your PC in order to unhook the plastic anchors present.
See picture below and the movie by clicking here.

Arrived at this point the PC will open as photo shown below.

To remove the mother board (photo above) you have to remove three screws highlighted by red circles in the picture below.
It is also necessary to pull the two connectors in the direction of the red arrows and you'll have to disconnect the flat cable circled in yellow using the technique that we have already used for the keyboard.

Well, now just need to gently lift the mother board and pull from his seat.
You will find in your hands the heart of your PC, as evidenced by the picture below.

Below are some details of the mother board.

If you remember the need to open my Packard Bell M DOT arose from the need to remove an annoying vibration that is felt when the fan ran strong, but that disappeared moving the PC or by pressing on the keyboard.

After removing the keyboard and cover of the PC I reconnected the keyboard, an external mouse and I used the PC for several hours with heavy programs to make it warm as possible and figure out what was causing the vibration.

Strangely, the noise is not longer present, the PC works perfectly with the fan speed going up and down without causing any annoying buzzing.

Hence I thought that everything could be generated by the rotation of the fan who send some mechanical vibration, for this reason I disassemble the PC to remove the mother board.

From the mother board I have seen the make and model of the fan and I recovered the photos on the Internet of the fan disassembled you find below.

As you can see the fan does not have any anchor screw and in fact is connected to the sink through the fins folded highlighted in the picture below (yellow circles).

Are also present of anti vibration pads always shown below (red circles) and the transport of heat (copper part) is placed in front of the fan with which it is connected through the nasto black that you see in the picture.

At this point it is clear that the vibration is due to this mechanical assembly that is not quite perfect, and in certain conditions, it create the vibration.

The main idea that I had is to add some anti-vibration pads like those circled in red but not having them available, I could only tighten the lugs better (circles in yellow).

At this point, I reassembled the PC and after days of use no longer feel vibration.
I think that I solved the problem.

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